Mother’s Day pays special tribute to the hard work and dedication of millions of great mothers who worked hard and sacrificed to raise children and support the family.
For homeless moms, life has been filled with many challenges, including daily survival on the streets and making ends meet.
On Sunday, The Chaplaincy for the Homeless goal was to a give brief break from daily concerns and for a moment focus on God and the Sanitizer/ good things that define mothers, motherhood, and family.
Executive Chaplain Darwin Campbell said the special occasion is the let homeless mothers, ladies and moms know they are important on this special day.
“We believe homeless moms deserve positive special recognition,” Campbell said. “Life has been difficult for them in many ways, but we are here to support them, love them like family and offer hope for today and optimism for the future.”
The Sunday Church service topic was, “Reasons to Always Love Mama”.
During the lesson, Chaplain Campbell shared a heartfelt story from Exodus 2 about Moses mother and shared a personal story about his grandmother and how she rescued him at birth from the trauma of a mother that rejected him and gave him away. Her sacrifices, hard work and life lessons help shape the Chaplain’s current Christian values, morals, and his love for serving others.
More than 75 attended the church services followed by more than 200 mothers and ladies who lined up for a special purse and female supplies giveaway. Arizona TV News 3 also covered the event. Music was provided by Urban Navigator Pam Rosselle and her son Brighton who sang two great gospel selection wowing the crowd.
Music was provided by Urban Navigator Pam Rosselle and her son Brighton, who sang two great gospel selection wowing the crowd.
Office Manager Darla Gonzalez and husband Charles, CFTH Board Director Doug Seide and his wife Joyce, Assistant Chaplain volunteer Yolanda Beavers-Campbell, Patrick Carter II and two other volunteers helped set up and also distributed the purses and snack refreshments.
The purses were provided by the generous of individuals, churches and several schools who conducted drives for the homeless mother in the East and West Valley.
“This has been so great,” said Mother Rene B. “We thank you so much for thinking of us and making us feel so special today.”
After the event, the mothers and guest were also treated to a special summertime treat from KONA ICE.
The Chaplaincy for the Homeless has been providing hope and encouragement for the homeless since 1988.
Since that time, its leaders have striven to maintain the dream of the Rev. Gerald Roseberry who was called by God to bring a spiritual witness to the homeless.
The mission of the agency remains providing a Christian ministry of presence, of advocacy, of service and of Word and Sacrament to those experiencing homelessness.