About Chaplaincy for the Homeless

Our Mission

To bring hope to the homeless by sharing the word of God. We will do this by helping our homeless brethren leave the streets and by attaining a higher quality of living by sharing with them the love of Jesus Christ. We will do this by providing a Christian Ministry of Presence, Of Advocacy, of Service and of Word and Sacrament.

The Vision

The Chaplaincy will grow to be recognized as the leading Christian Ministry dedicated to bringing the transforming love and hope of Jesus Christ to the homeless by offering them spiritual guidance and support through the efforts of an increasing number of dedicated Chaplains and volunteers along with an expanding group of supporting churches and other social service organizations.

Our Values

  • Every person is made in the Image of God and deserves respect as an image bearer
  • Every person is sought out and worthy of God’s love and compassion
  • Every person is created for a divine purpose and should be supported in the discovery and fulfillment of this purpose
  • Christian belief is discovered, nurtured and expressed in a community of faith

Meet Our Staff

Executive Chaplain Charles Gonzalez

Charles Gonzales

Charles Gonzalez was born into poverty in the South Side of Chicago. He was raised for 13 years in public housing and how to survive with very little. At the age of 13, Charles and his siblings were placed into foster care and given an eye-opening experience. He learned about the life of the middle-class world and what it felt like to have shelter, food, comfort, and love. With a fresh set of eyes, Charles knew that life had plenty to offer besides the path that his life started out with.

Charles moved to Oregon to see what life was like without the hustle and bustle of the city. After a while, this is where he met his wife Darla. In no time at all, they became a family and started a whole new life. Moving to Arizona for a Southwest adventure in 2004, they set roots in Chandler Arizona. This is where they still live to this day.

Charles enjoys serving other people. It’s with a humble heart that he always remembers to lift others up and never look down upon others. In the wise words of his wife, “If I don’t have the money to donate, allow me to give my time.

Charles worked as a Controller for over 25 years. He enjoys riding motorcycles, exploring the wilderness, taking nature photographs as well as stargazing with his family. He is a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for foster kids with the Superior Courts of Arizona. Having been homeless in Chicago for a short time, Charles knows the hardships and looks forward to bringing his compassion and spiritual gifts to the Chaplaincy.


My name is Marcantonie Caban.
I’m married to my lovely wife Tanya and we have a beautiful son named Isaiah. I’m a youth pastor at West Phoenix Baptist Church. My purpose here is to serve the Lord and his people to share his love and word with others.

Chaplains Assistant

dana faulkinbury

Born in Oceanside, Californian, I spent most of my life in a suburb in Ahwatukee, AZ. I got into drugs and at a young age. I was married and ended up separating from my husband. Being estranged from my family led me to homelessness in Mesa , AZ from 2003 till 2015. I struggled with addiction and had many run-ins with the police. In 2015 I was put on probation and came to CASS shelter for the first time. There I attended Bible studies and church services and started learning about the Lord. Around 2016 I accepted Jesus into my heart. I started to pray, listen and be obedient. In 2017, I graduated from probation, all while staying at CASS. In 2020 I began volunteering at St. Vincent de Paul. I’ve always had a desire to help people in need. While awaiting housing, I have established a good relationship with St. Vincent. In 2021, I knew I needed to fully surrender to the Lord and get sober. I entered rehab at the Native American Connections and graduated. When I got out, I knew I needed a sponsor. I listened and started working the steps through Celebrate Recovery. I started to see that God was putting people of faith in my path. God then blessed me with my first place of my own and a job here at the Chaplaincy for the Homeless. I believe I am called to serve and give to the needy. I am so excited that I can share my faith and hope story with clients that I’ve gotten to know intimately on my journey down at CASS. I want to give to others what God has given me. My hope for the future is that I can share where my hope comes from and teach others the word of God.

john-humphriesWest Valley Chaplain

John protected our community for 35 years as a Phoenix Police Officer. For the past 12 years he has been providing ministry at the Dream Center, Phoenix Rescue Mission and the Maricopa County Jail. He is also an adjunct professor at Northern Arizona University and at various Maricopa Community Colleges.

John has been leading a Bible study for the past 8 months.

He is married to Chris and they have 4 children and 9 grandchildren.

David YanezEast Valley Chaplain

A native of Los Angeles, California. David brings a wide range of ministry experience those he meets on the street. Educationally, David has a bachelor’s degree in biblical studies, a Master’s degree of Divinity in Pastoral Theology, a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and a Doctor of Ministry degree in theology with a focus on family ministries. He also bring a vast experience in ministry as a pastor in California and Arizona (14 years), as a chaplain in the US Air Force, both in reserve and active duty, retiring after 28 years with rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and most recently as a hospice and hospital chaplain (over 15 years) He is a Board-certified Chaplain. David grew up in the oldest Spanish-speaking Baptist Church in Los Angeles and was ordained in the American Baptist Churches of the USA in November 1980. David shares his life with his wife of 47 years, Dilcia. David and Dilcia have three children and three grandchildren.

Our History

rev. gerald roseberryThe Rev. Gerald Roseberry, a minister for 30 years and Pastor of Camelback Presbyterian Church for 13 years until it merged with another congregation, spent the month of November in 1987, living among the Homeless in Phoenix and Tucson. Rev. Roseberry, an activist, did so to publicize the plight of the homeless. Surprisingly he was readily accepted by the homeless as one of them, and spent his nights on the street or in homeless shelters.

Board of Directors


Born in Minneapolis, MN and raised in many states during two wars following a military father, John ended up graduating from Plainfield High School in New Jersey. Completing a machinist apprentice program with Johns Manville he went on to graduate from Ohio University with a BS in Commerce.

After serving three years in the Army he then spent 42 years with Caterpillar in Manufacturing Management positions and later Human Resource/Labor Relations management. He also remained active in the US Army Reserve for 29 years.

Retiring in 2005 he and Mary Kay moved to Carefree, AZ where he enjoyed retirement until 2015 when he joined the Board of Directors of Homeless ID Project, Inc. in November. He was Vice President of the Board from January 2016 until January 2018. He has been a deacon and elder in the Presbyterian Church, a former director of Department of Family Counselling and Service in Illinois, a Vice President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and a proud member of SPEBSQSA for 17 years. He led the reincorporation of the Chaplaincy for the Homeless in January 2018.


Robert was born in Phoenix growing up in Maryvale, shortly after moving out of Maryvale it was deemed as one of the most dangerous places in the Nation. Growing up with a single mother faith was always part of Robert’s family. Robert was one of the few of his childhood friends to finished high school then graduated from DeVry with an AASE that led to a 33-year career at Intel in Chandler and after retiring was awarded a patent.

Robert is married and raised three children two step daughters and a son. Robert and his wife Michele made church an important part of family life. When their oldest was going though confirmation they went with the church to build homes in Mexico with Amor Ministries, five different times. With the help of the spirit Robert was able to lead a group to help with hurricane Katrina disaster relief in Biloxi Mississippi.

After retiring, Robert spent a year at Canyon State Academy (aka boys ranch) as an Encore Fellow. Helping at risk children that have been forgotten by society and sometimes by their own family. Robert wanted to show them that they have a future and they are loved.

After volunteering and experiencing with the Chaplaincy first hand, Robert’s own view on the homeless have changed.


Richard was raised in Fairfield County, CT.  He graduated in 1969 from Darien High School and in 1973 from Central Connecticut State University with a BA degree in Political Science.  Richard and his wife Chris, of 52 years, have four children and three grandchildren.

Richard spent his entire business career in the financial services industry working for regional banking enterprises in the Middle Atlantic and Midwest sections of the country attaining the title of Executive Vice President.  Richard’s experiences in banking ranged from Field Audit, Corporate Banking, Regional Management, Marketing Director and finally Wealth Management responsibilities for the last twenty-five years of his career.  Richard retired in 2019 and with Chris, moved from the Philadelphia PA market to Scottsdale AZ.

During the course of Richard’s career, he served on nine non-profit Board of Directors ranging from the United Way of Delaware to a private boarding school in PA to a public television station in OH.  During the last six years of his career, Richard served as a volunteer Board Director of the Friends Association for the Care and Protection of Children based in West Chester, PA which served the homeless community in Chester County, PA.

Richard is currently a Deacon and Member of the Desert Hills Presbyterian Church in Scottsdale, AZ.


Michele was born in California; she grew up in Arizona primarily although her parents moved frequently before she was 18. Since she was 18, she has remained in Arizona. She graduated High School in Mesa Arizona. She worked 35 years at Intel in Chandler where she met her husband, Robert. They have three grown children who all live in Arizona. Michele retired from Intel in March of 2022. She chose to work with the Chaplaincy for the Homeless as an Encore fellow and started a 1 year commitment August 2022. Church and serving has always been very important to her. As a family they have done many Mission trips to Mexico to build homes with AMOR Ministries for their kids confirmation trips. They also arranged two trips to Biloxi Mississippi with volunteers from their Church to help serve and rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Michele has always wanted to work with Children and Elderly. Michele is a seamstress and has been sewing since she was 6 years old. She loves any kind of crafting.

Member at Large

Bill was born in Toledo Ohio in 1955 and received his BS in Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Utah.  He worked in the tool & die and injection molding industry and later moved to Spokane WA where he designed ruggedized handheld and laptop computers for Itronix corporation.  It was in Spokane that he married his wife Cindy, now of 33 years and raised two children, Luke and Maya.  In 2009 he moved to Phoenix and continued his career at General Dynamics designing communications equipment as a principal engineer, team manager and chief engineer.

The move to Phoenix was instrumental in his walk with Christ.  He was led to Scottsdale Bible Church where he joined the Men’s ministry and studied under strong Godly leadership and alongside mature men of faith.  He has led bible studies and mentored at SBC, Phoenix Rescue Mission and Griefshare. In 2018 he completed his Chaplaincy training with a goal to give back to a world in need of the comfort and strength that only Christ our Lord and Savior can provide.  Being led to the Chaplaincy for the Homeless organization in 2020, he has become a volunteer providing a Ministry of Presence and leading bible studies for the homeless community.


Brent was born in Louisiana and relocated to Phoenix in 2001 where he began a career in nonprofit leadership.  He has been blessed to work for Faith based organizations with a focus on the homeless and vulnerable populations. He has a personal connection to the mission of Chaplaincy for the Homeless and is truly grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Board and share the message of Hope with others seeking a path off the streets and back into life.


In the area of ministry and faith, Smith has focused on discipleship. He served two terms as an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, a Chair of Adult Education Committee, served on three Unidos en Christo teams, leadership for six Alpha programs, and treasurer for Open Door Medical Ministries in Romania. Currently he is a leader/teacher for mens’ Bible study at his church.

Most recently, Smith was a consultant. Smith McClure & Associates focused on new business development and executive search for real estate companies, marketing companies and high-tech new ventures.

Smith has worked with several corporations in sales, marketing and creative services as Vice President and Executive VP. His clients have included Fortune 500 corporations, small private companies and not for profit organizations.

Earlier in his career he was a producer/director in the film and television industry. He produced television programs for HGTV, Discovery, and TLC, and television commercials for a variety of clients, including Target, General Electric and the Armed Forces Radio and Television Network.

In 2020, Smith and his wife Laura moved to Arizona full time after being longtime residents of Minnetonka, MN.

Smith holds a Master of Arts in Communication from the University of Michigan, where he was a Rackham Fellow in the Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies. His BFA is from The University of Arizona.


Jerry was born and raised in Seattle, Washington.  He graduated high school and spent 1 yr. and 9 months in the U.S. Army.  Upon discharge, he was hired by the U.S. Customs Service and spent the better part of 30 years working for the Department of Homeland Security.  Upon retirement from the federal government, he worked 11 years in the private industry for a global logistics company, Expeditors International and served as the Global Compliance Manager.

Jerry moved to Arizona in 2021 and began attending Scottsdale Bible Northridge Church.  He is a professional volunteer worker, serving at Foothills Caring Corp., House of Refuge, Chaplaincy for the Homeless and Scottsdale Bible – North Ridge performing a variety of functions.  Jerry is also actively involved in the church, serving in the Men’s Ministry, Discipleship and Mentorship.

He is a widower and lives in Cave Creek with his dog, Bubba. He has a son, daughter in law and 3 granddaughters, who also reside in Cave Creek.

Jerry holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management.  He aspires to get closer to Jesus each day and my favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust In the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your path straight.”


Dan was born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska and graduated high school there. He graduated from the Naval Academy, where he was active in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Commissioned as a Marine Corps infantry officer, he served two years in Southeast Asia, in Vietnam, and Thailand. After an assignment at the National Security Agency and obtaining a master’s degree from George Washington University, he entered civilian life and began work at Mobil Corporation, where he focused on supply and trading, Middle East operations and LNG development. After 25 years with Mobil, it merged with Exxon where Dan worked an additional 10 years, first as CEO of ExxonMobil Saudi Arabia, and then as corporate vice president for government relations in Washington, DC. His career included foreign assignments in London and Riyadh.  He retired in 2010 and moved to Arizona, where he resides full-time.

Dan has been active in the Lutheran church throughout his life, and he now serves on the council of his church in Carefree. Dan and his wife Diane have five children, three of whom live in the Washington, DC area, one in Ohio and another in Dubai. They have seven grandchildren.

He is a director of the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation and formerly served on the boards of N Street Village, a homelessness and abuse recovery facility in Washington, the Toys for Tots Foundation, Arena Stage of Washington, the Washington Food Bank, American Near East Refugee Assistance and the American Petroleum Institute.

‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’


Brian was born in Arlington, TX where he grew up attending St Barnabas United Methodist Church.  He graduated with a Finance degree from Texas Christian University in 1999 and began his career in commercial banking.  Having a hard time sitting at a desk, Brian quickly transitioned into medical sales and leadership, where he has spent over 20 years primarily in the Ophthalmology space.

After meeting his amazing wife Michelle at TCU, they spent time in California and Texas, before moving to Arizona in 2003.  Brian and Michelle currently live in Gilbert, AZ where they are blessed to raise three awesome kids (Kendal, Beckett, & Camden).  The Bonjour family currently attends Sun Valley Community Church.

In his free time, Brian enjoys hiking in the desert and traveling with his family.

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