“I need healing for a broken heart.”
Seven of us gather in the conference room of the Chaplaincy for the Homeless office. I distribute bottles of cold water and the Bible lesson for the day, “Who are We?” The Bible lesson is a series of Bible verses or sections of the Bible which guide our discussion.
As we take turns reading the Biblical texts, we discuss them. I invite the participants to share their thoughts about the texts and how they apply to their lives. Some share their own personal journeys. When we discussed the text from the Letter to the Ephesians about how God has adopted us into his family, I ask how many were adopted. Three share they were adopted as children. All three reported that they were grateful for the families who invited them into their homes. As we discuss this human process of adoption, the spiritual reality of the Father’s adoption becomes more real.
We end our time together by sharing our concerns which we want to bring to God. Most ask for prayers for housing; one asked for prayer for a job. One shared, “I need healing for a broken heart.” I lead us in a prayer for these needs.
As we went our individual ways the man who made the last request asked if he could come back the next day for additional counsel and prayer.
Ronald Friesen © 2019